Rooted in the Cosmos

Rooted in the Cosmos

Hosted by: Isabelle Gloria

A podcast for the awakening souls, new earth visionaries, brave seekers & conscious leaders. Welcome to Rooted in the Cosmos, the podcast that will assist you in re-connecting with...

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#31: A Visit Home: Guided Stargazing to activate Soul Memories and connect You with Your Cosmic Self (read the show notes!)

Today's episode is a little different. It is a guided practice (not a guided meditation) that will help you to connect with your Cosmic Self and activate soul memories. Make sure you read the description of this...
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#30: How to remember Your Past Lives

When we think of past lives, we often think of something that is long gone. But past, present, and future are complex constructs that are not linear. We still have access to our past, parallel, and even future lives,...
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#29: Artificial Intelligence and its Role in creating a powerful Vision of a New Earth

Inspired by a crazy experience I recently had while using an AI tool, I received a major download about the pros and cons of AI-generated content and its spiritual impact on the collective. In this episode, I'm...
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#28: Q&A: about the Witch Wound, unblocking Your Throat Chakra for Content Creation & how to meditate deeper

In this episode, I'm excited to answer questions submitted by you! I want to make our podcast more interactive by including your questions and connecting with you even more! I'm still thinking about the best way to do...
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#27: A Deep Dive into Creating your Own Reality & Mastering Manifestation + Practical Steps to start implementing today

How we think, feel, and believe influences how we perceive and ultimately create our reality. We all know the "mainstream" manifestation tips that promise 10k months and your dream life basically overnight...What...
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#26: On-Stage and Off-Stage Lightworkers: Stepping into the *literal* Spotlight of your Divine Mission

This episode is dedicated to all lightworkers, especially the On-Stage Lightworkers who need a little nudge (and some background knowledge) to finally step into their potential.Your social media presence is a crucial...
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#25: Overcoming the Fear of Judgment as an aspiring Spiritual Content Creator

The scary thing about wanting to be a spiritual content creator or online coach is that everyone can watch your journey publicly on social media. You can't create in silence and tell your family and friends about it...
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#24: The Rise of Conscious Leaders in the Age of Social Media - are You one of them?

In this episode, I'm sharing a profound channeled message I received at the end of 2023. A new wave of conscious leaders is emerging within the collective right now. Many of them experienced their spiritual awakening...
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#23: Yes, you have a Higher Calling, you're not making this up!

In this episode, we're diving deep into the transformative journey of discovering your higher calling after a spiritual awakening. If you've experienced a spiritual awakening (or are in the midst of one), you may...
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#22: Meditation 101: easy Meditation Techniques to have deeper and more profound Spiritual Experiences

Meditation is a big aspect of every spiritual journey. It is the foundation for deep inner work, calming your nervous system, exploring your emotions, and even for things like channeling or communicating with...
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#21: Storytime: Extraterrestrial Contact, Hybrid Children & my Grandma's Cosmic Journey

Shortly after my grandma passed in 2018, she reached out to me and sent me an energetic download that gave me a deeper insight into her soul's journey. Not only did she tell me about the purpose of her earthly...
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#20: 2024 Energy Forecast: Why you need to step into your Power in 2024 and start your Spiritual Business

My official 2024 Energy Forecast holds great promise for aspiring spiritual leaders. 2024 is destined to be a pivotal year for conscious leaders in the coaching field. Particularly if you've been feeling stuck on your...
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